Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On The Job Training For The Anti-American President

Obama's anniversary gift to Russia...
President Obama is making so many foreign-policy blunders that he is starting to make us yearn for the national-security acumen of the Carter administration. His official announcement scrapping the planned missile-defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic was long expected but still landed with a thud. It is hard to remember a strategic choice that is so obviously wrong on so many levels. The Kremlin is delighted. Read More...

The White House picked an auspicious day to wave the white flag on missile defense. The president's national-security team may say they didn't notice that the announcement came on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, but everyone in Eastern Europe did. For an administration whose claims of heightened cultural sensitivity border on sanctimony, the timing was an unforgivable faux pas. The anniversary gift compounds the message that Washington is bent on courting Moscow regardless of the broader implications for global security.

Subverting Honduran democracy...
The shameful siege of Honduras continues. In the past few weeks, the United States has cut more than $30 million in non-humanitarian aid, suspended most visa services and sided with Venezuela, Cuba and other of Latin America's worst dictatorships in undermining democracy. Meanwhile, the people of Honduras are desperately trying to maintain their freedom and prevent the return of a regime that Washington is committed to forcing down their throats.

The United States rushed to the wrong side of this issue when former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was ousted on June 28, and since then it has reinforced a bad policy. Rather than seek means of mitigating the crisis, the United States clings obdurately to demands that Mr. Zelaya be returned to power. Read more...

Obama sides with Castro, Chavez of Venezuela, and Zelaya on the future of Honduras. Not so much inexperience, as is communist agenda. Right under our noses.

Cut and Run? Obama goes wobbly on Afghanistan...

It astonishes us how quickly Afghanistan is moving from being a "war of necessity" to "too tough to do." President Obama's comments over the weekend gave the clearest signal yet that his administration is seeking an exit strategy from a conflict he described in August as "not only a war worth fighting" but "fundamental to the defense of our people." Commitment to that fundamental defense is eroding.

The president is being foiled by complex terrain, by which we mean the Congress. The Democratic leadership has indicated it would not look favorably on requests for more troops, which most analysts believe are necessary to stabilize the situation. Read more on Afghanistan...

Obama hardly remembers who A.C.O.R.N. is...
In an interview over the weekend the President was asked whether he supports withdrawing funds and an investigation into the criminal organization. He replied he was unaware there was a problem with A.C.O.R.N. nor did he know they were receiving Federal funding. What?!! The sad thing is there is a certain portion of the population which will believe this fantasy.

Obama has the weakest foreign-policy record of any new U.S. president in recent memory. An around-the-world tour of international hot spots shows that for all the president's lofty rhetoric, he can point to precious few accomplishments. Read more...

If our Congress had anymore integrity than the presumed President, it would be working on the same result Honduras had to deal with Zelaya. {2010}

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