Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here We Go Again!!!

During his campaign for the White House, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, made his Socialists view clear... "Spread the wealth". While this rings well with those that have their hands out, rather than seeking a hand up, it is the decline of our Republic at the hands of greed through the guise of gifts.
The problem that eludes those whom desire free rides, and revenge for those that climbed to a level of financial comfort, is when the middle class 'free-falls', there will not be the support for their gifts. The ignorance of Obama, and politicians seeking to destroy the fabric of our society, capitalism, is the elimination of what used to be 'middle class'.
Obama made it clear, if you make $150K per year, you are wealthy. People that struggled to create and grow a small business, which provides the most jobs, will be punished for their efforts. THE GIFTS WILL HAVE TO RUN OUT!!! So by your hatred of those whom have toiled to achieve a moderate living and are the backbone of America, you are cutting your own throat.
It's not that the government didn't learn from the recent 'give-aways' that allowed people to purchase homes which they could not afford. The intentional design to which destroys our capitalist Republic is escalating. The Obama administration and Capitol Hill Liberals are putting in place yet another program to enable those of whom cannot afford it, to be placed in a new home, temporarily.
This new program will provide a new home 'buyer', lacking the funds, to receive tax dollars for the down payment. A false 'sustaining' stock market will provide just enough confidence in those ignorant enough to believe in a recovering atmosphere. The new home purchases will begin to fly in, temporarily creating scattered construction jobs and related markets rise. The government will be drained when the defaults also begin to soar once again. There will be no 'bail-outs'. The ones whom invested what they had left from the previous go-around, in hopes of recovery, will be totally destroyed this time.
The Cloward-Piven strategy will finally be complete. The recent financial concerns will be a hick-up compared to the total depression this country will fall into. There is true 'stimulus' in an economic crunch, then there is just reckless abandon that leads to destruction. Anyone with common sense can see the latter is being practiced right now. It is being done intentionally by those which seek a 'global' solution and the dissolve of American sovereignty.
Those of you with your hands out better wake up, put your hands up and surrender your ignorant ideology, before it kills you. Stand right along side of those you hate, and fight for government to stay out of our lives and free up capitalism...abandon this Socialist route.
This is an excerpt from "An African Future; Beyond the Culture of Dependency", by Wangari Maathai:

Almost half the population of sub-Saharan Africa lives on less than $1 per day. But while this poverty is at the root of many of the pressing problems Africa faces, so is the powerlessness of the poor. During the course of the last forty to fifty years, most Africans, in large measure because of their leaders' attitudes and policies, have come to believe that they cannot act on their own behalf. Self-determination and personal and collective uplift, values embraced by the great majority of Africans in the period just after independence, have been eroded.

Disempowerment - whether defined in terms of a lack of self-confidence, apathy, fear, or an inability to take charge of one's own life - is perhaps the most unrecognised problem in Africa today. To the disempowered, it seems much easier or even more acceptable to leave one's life in the hands of third parties (governments, aid agencies, and even God) than to try to alleviate one's circumstances through one's own effort

This should sound very familiar, and frighten you, as it is the most profound intention of the current leadership of America to bring us in line with all other nations which we now apologise to for being better, stronger, free. It unfolds right in front of you, and you ignore it. Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, flew back and forth to Kenya, to campaign for Railla Odinga, after he had Christians killed and burned from their homes and churches.
Our tax dollars paid for Obama's mission, as he called it a Senate Fact Finding Mission. Odinga, who claims he is Obama's cousin, lost the first democratic election. At the constant guidance and support of Obama, Odinga took over Kenya, and made it a terrorist "safe haven" by contract to the Muslim nations.
Anyone who cares about the future of this country, or their children's future, BETTER WAKE UP!
The Cure for Poverty by Herb Meyer
A Time for Choosing speech by Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wake Up America: You're Late For Work

Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, is on a campaign to bankrupt America, intentionally. He is doing it right in the face of every citizen, and for the most part, with their approval. This blind faith following, for most a rebellion against the Bush administration, is compelled by an empty ideology, which closes the eyes of Americans to logic and common sense.
A huge fraud has taken control of the American Republic, which has separated this country from tyranny for 233 years. Our history and our future has always been secured by the desire of Americans to live a better life, and provide a better life for our children. We have abandoned all sense of reason, in order to follow a global agenda which will destroy the very principles which define us.
The rest of the world scoffs at America for its present direction, while its citizens ignorantly submit to the tyranny, intent on total power over them. Candidate Obama made all the right promises to make grown men even tear up in support. President Obama has implemented every policy in contradiction to every pledge. For many whom voted for the President, it is simply a matter of pride, unwilling to admit the ridiculous taxes and constant elimination of freedoms and rights is as real as the nose on their face.
The following is an article from Pravda, the Russian Newspaper. It is sad, the only ones observe the goings-on in America objectively, are those of whom which have not experienced liberty, as we have.

American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper ?


Source: Pravda.Ru

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blindeth the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the sher volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Stanislav Mishin

Get involved America, before the present policies have gone too far to be reversed.

The 912 Project

National Tea Party

The Obama Deception

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pelosi: "I Never, Ever...Wait...What?

Since 1987 Nancy Pelosi has represented the 8th District of California, including San Francisco. The same San Francisco which, a few years ago, demanded the closing of all military facilities in the city. In 2002, Pelosi was elected by her Democratic colleagues to be their leader in the House of Representatives.
Last month the Democrats began calling for an investigation of the Bush administration, into whether charges should be brought against those responsible for allowing "torture" on a few of the Guantanamo Bay detainees. In their haste to divert attention from the atrocities the Left is perpetrating against the nations economy, they didn't really think this strategy through.
As Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, released TOP SECRET documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, he decided to back away from the controversy. Opening this 'can-of-worms' precedent would allow a future administration to do the same, to him. The damage was already done, however, as the inexperienced administration has jeopardized our national security.
Pelosi, having been on the essential committees, claimed last month, the C.I.A. "never" briefed them on "advanced interrogation techniques", which the Democrats insist was torture. Conflicting documentation surfaced as to what, and when, specific information was made available to the appropriate Representatives. It was being revealed that Ms Pelosi knew more about how information was being obtained from the detainees, than was originally suggested.
Today, May 14, Ms Pelosi has given another press conference where she now states she was not at the committee meetings, for which she is paid, but, that an aid was there and relayed what was discussed. She went even further to accuse the C.I.A. of lying to Congress. Pelosi claims she was not at the committee briefings as she was too busy working on making sure a liberal President would be elected.
The following is an excerpt from Nancy Pelosi's bio on her website:
As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for 10 years (the longest continuous period of service in the committee's history) including two years as the Ranking Democrat, Pelosi worked to ensure that policymakers and military commanders are provided with the timely and accurate intelligence necessary to guide diplomatic initiatives, succeed in combat, and protect U.S. military forces.
In her usual, neurotic manner, the more intense the questions from the press, relating to discrepancies in her claims, the more incoherent her answers. I counted five times she eluded to "We were to busy ensuring the 'proper' President would be elected", so as to ensure their agenda would be carried out.
Clearly, the duties of a Representative is to be involved in important events which well represent the concerns of their constituents. That includes meetings weighing in on specific concerns at the time. It is at no time the duty of a representative to dismiss their job description for covert political agenda. Senators will never understand that until the American people insist they've had enough. It was never implied in our Constitution, that our representatives define what is good for the people.
Of course, we all know Integrity and honesty has nothing to do with politicians. It is more of "All's fair, in love and war". But, even the common liberal should be concerned about the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Barnie Frank. Both have not only embarrassed the offices they hold, but their policies have brought down our sovereignty, (watch video) while blaming others. Pelosi also states the Republicans are only pointing out she is lying as a "diversion". That doesn't apply in any stretch of the imagination, as Pelosi is the one whom created the whole diversion. Leon Pinetta, C.I.A.Director, states "There is not enough evidence to really determine". The former financial lobbyist, with no intelligence experience, which was placed in the position only to be Obama's stooge, certainly would have revealed supporting evidence in Pelosi's favor.
During the Presidential campaign, the contradiction of Obama's claim to be Christian and unprecedented support for abortion took issue. In much the same way she jumped into the torture debate, (Catholic)Pelosi made an absurd public statement. "Even the Catholic Church cannot determine when life begins", spewed Pelosi. One could only call the statement a blatant lie, or total ignorance. The Catholic Church is perhaps the strongest activists for pro-life, advocating life begins at conception.
It becomes more apparent every day, to the rational thinking humans, the liberals are out of control. I have always analogized it as the kids on Christmas morning. Could you imagine them seeing all the gifts under the tree, then sitting down and analyzing a strategy for how to open them? Absolutely not. The left has gone insane with their newly acquired power and thrown caution, and our children's future, to the wind.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Class" War

It is no surprise to true conservatives how low the far left liberals will go to discredit, with malice, those whom possess morals and disagree with their corrupt agenda. We all remember the days of Bill Clinton's inappropriate and shameful behavior in our White House. He began with blatant lies to the entire population regarding his amoral and disgusting acts. It caused a division, between those Americans which shared the same lack of moral character, and those of whom which were sickened by the whole attitude of Mr. Clinton, that it was his business and not ours.
For the first time in our history, it was out there, one did not have to possess morals in order to run a nation which has always been based on such. There was no more rationale between right and wrong, in order to hold the highest office of the greatest country. It was no more about lying, to the people, or to the courts, which would land a citizen behind bars. Clinton was "beloved" by a growing element, in a mounting crusade to force their way of life on the population... The 'No' Class.
The key point in the Clinton affair, for the left, became the angle that he was "just human". While it is a scientific fact, Mr. Clinton is human, it is not a fact that all men are without morals, as this would suggest. Thus, Mr. Clinton does not well represent the entire male population, let alone the population as a whole. But, where was The National Organization of Women (N.O.W.) during all the sorted, appalling affair? In hiding, that's where. Not a peep was heard from any representative of N.O.W. for several months as it all unfolded.
N.O.W. , the political action committee, claims to fight for rights of women. As the true, vile nature of the Clinton affair surfaced, it would be expected to see some outrage from an organization which supposedly stands against that very issue. Unfortunately, for the many women which believed in the movement and supported it for so many years, N.O.W. was and is staunch supporters of the Clintons.
Unfortunately, for America, everything has come down to political levels, and politics has come down to amoral levels, and so on. Everyone is human, and will make mistakes, even the ones in leadership, which most look up to, and trust. The American Presidents are not expected to be Saints, however, the Clinton affair passed a great milestone for the liberal agenda. The prestige, and integrity of our highest office was abolished in the hearts of most, strictly by the mitigation of the left. There was no consequences; it was watered down to the point of no accountability.
Most will tell me to lighten up, but, we have reached an even bigger low in our current President, Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Obama. I had to lighten up before I could write this article, even though I was anxious since Saturday. As we all know, to so many, the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on our country are just an obscured memory or an insignificant moment in history. But, to many, many others, that day will never go away. That is especially true among those families and friends of whom were lost that day. Then, there was the multitude of heroes, which sacrificed health and sanity, dealing with the rescue and recovery mission. So many lost someone or something on 9/11/01.
To the true patriot, lovers of this great country of ours, something else was lost that day. The misconception of our nation's security could never be mended. That, in itself, is devastating to many which trusted the leaders of the country would always do what was best in order to preserve our sovereignty, and the safety of the citizens. It became very clear that political agenda over ruled the safety of our country, which was contrary to the intent of our founding fathers. We are not only relinquishing our rights, and the instruments given to us by our founding fathers to protect our Republic from tyranny, but, morals as well.
Barry, aka Barack, was able to shrug off the horrific incident which took place over Manhattan a few weeks ago. Many were outraged and sickened at the blatant disregard for the citizens of New York, as the White House approved the staged flight of Airforce One at building level, for a 'photo-op'. Horrified citizens abandoned buildings, and ran through the streets, thinking they were under attack again. The memory, which lives with them everyday, was made real, once again. No accountability was implied to, or from Barry.
If that wasn't bad enough, and debatable, Barry's stand up routine at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, last Saturday night, affirmed the arrogance and blatant disregard. In place of a heartfelt apology, Barry made a joke of the thoughtless incident. The ignorance and amorality of the general left is expected, but, there are lines no one should ever cross, in as much the same way they demand we are to be stifled, if it offends even the most vile. In the past, savvy conservatives have faulted the Republicans for not voicing the distinction of where that line should be drawn. Now, it is clear their is not much distinction between the agendas of Democrats and Republicans, just political juggling of the power.
To the typical 'liberal' minded citizen, the unsupported talking points, usually generated by the Liberal elite, are genuine. Any efforts by any rational thinking person to debate the moral issue of any given position of the left, is met with immediate, and usually vulgar, slander to discredit this attack on their ideology. As of late, all conservatives are labeled racists, as they don't agree with Barry. To the typical 'liberal' minded citizen, in their misconception, it is all about 'freedom', and welfare rolls, which conservatives just want to take away.
The Liberal elite thrive on that perspective by the misinformed masses. With the help of the celebrities and media, which stand to prosper from amorality, they pull off the most elaborate scam in history... that Barry is their 'saviour'. This couldn't be any further from the truth than a jolly fat man comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve. In reality, if a man did come down your chimney at anytime, even with gifts, he should be prosecuted. Barry is coming down our chimney. Try telling that to a liberal.
Wanda Sykes, the stand up comedian, gave a 'hateful rant', at the WHCA dinner, under the comedy guise. What I saw of it, she received more "Whoa's!" than laughter. Whatever, everyone has their own taste in comedy. When she referred to Rush Limbaugh, and wished him death (Barry chuckled), as disgusting and low class as the woman is, I wasn't concerned. Rush can handle the audacity and hypocrisy of that which is the liberal way of thinking. He is, I'm sure, honored that they perceive him as such a threat. It was the ignorant, and on-going liberal reference to Rush's comment of months ago, in where he stated he hoped Barry fails.
As many times as it has been explained, which wasn't necessary to intelligent people as they received it as it was intended, liberals are still unable, or unwilling, to grasp reality. Crude Wanda defined Rush's hopes as being against the country, as he is against the President. In reality, any patriot should pray for Barry's failure, as his agenda is not for the country, but, for the dismantling of it.
A little food for thought for misguided, delusional liberals... in all your hypocritical views, even though Rush is your mortal enemy, it doesn't bother you that your leaders are trying to censor free speech, by passing laws to close down opposition, in the communist fashion?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jeb Bush Calls for Republicans To Abandon 'Reagan Ideals'

Click on Ronald or Barack for video

One of the above is not a true patriot. There is one true answer. Then, there is alternate answers with twisted reasoning depending on political party affiliations. The facts are clear and the 'proof is in the pudding', but, many citizens adhere to their muddled ideology. They fail to give a clear debate on the facts, but, they will argue to the end. Mindless rhetoric is their only weapon.
Many citizens, staying loyal to their special interest agendas, must support a man with a completely different agenda, as his opponent is clearly outspoken on the issues which conflict. When a man comes along who, for ideological reasons, appeals to a large percentage of the population, he becomes a 'figure head'. As he also appeals to so many who have a heart for corruption, and is himself corrupt, he develops a large following- almost half the country(sad).
Factor in the utilization of a corrupt 'community organizing group', ACORN, which generated millions of fraudulent votes, and a community organizer becomes Senator, then President in just a few short years. No record of any real achievement, in fact, no record of whether he is a naturalized citizen, which is a Constitutional requirement. Even before the election, there was widespread indictments and investigations for voting fraud, unchallenged by Republicans or Democrats.
The answer to the question, which man pictured is not a patriot? Barry Soetoro (right). There is no record of ever having his name legally changed to Barack Obama, an assumed identity. He reeks of corruption, so he appeals to 'dope heads' who strive for the ideal that he will do all in his power to alleviate their difficulty of acquiring their favorite 'pass time'. He appeals to the amoral portion of the population such as sexual deviants, and those whom strive to broaden the ability to extinguish the lives of the unborn, to killing babies after they are born.
Not a very good image for an American President, when all his life-long connections and associations are communists, socialists, terrorists, and all anti-American. His own wife speaks her heart in public, that she has never been proud of America, until now, as her husband is growing a cult following. We are led to believe that what we heard is not what she meant. Much the same way Joe Biden said he wouldn't fly or let any of his family fly due to the H1N1 virus(swine flu). Within the hour a press conference was called to declare "That's not what Joe, uh, uh, meant." The press were roaring with laughter. The biggest reason the media loves a Democrat administration is they know there is always news; its never boring.
That's just the citizen following, which call themselves 'liberals'. Most citizens whom take on the 'liberal' label, don't really know why, except that they like what they hear in some fashion. This is what the 'elite' portion of the population is counting on. The elite (small percentage) of the population do not care about the rights of the citizens, or people dying from hunger. The elite do not care if thousands of citizens die, if the 'ends justifies the means'. In short, they aren't for liberty, or rights.
The elite know how to get a following, by promising gifts to the under privileged. They found the perfect gift in Barry Soetoro. The elite in America have sought control of the global financial system since this country was born. Abraham Lincoln expressed intense concern for the desires he was seeing begin to illuminate from the elite society. The only thing standing in the way of the power hungry elite was our Constitutional form of government.
The liberal minded citizens have always bought into the idea that these certain few are dedicated to preserving our American, democratic way of life. Their have been organizations formed by these certain (few) who seek total power and wealth. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is one of those groups. CFR is nothing more than a ruling elite club with secret meetings intended to create world situations to set the stage for their global agenda, through political strategy.
Operating through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, which controls our tax dollars, CFR's mission for several decades has been a New World Order. Members include elite from all walks of life; scholars, media Moguls, politicians, and all who can be utilized to achieve their goal. It has not been a secret to the politicians we have trusted to preserve our Constitution. CFR has manipulated foreign and domestic affairs for over seventy years. Twenty years ago, if anyone suggested to the American public, they are smarter than we are, and we should trust them to reform our government, for our own good, they wouldn't have lived long.
CFR thought they had it made when they managed to get John F Kennedy elected as President. Because of his womanizing, loose nature, they figured they could control him to accomplish their goals. Just before he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in 1963, JFK began to have a conscience for what he knew would be devastating to America as we know it. Kennedy was preparing to finally pass legislation to force the Federal Reserve to make their books available for inspection. Not even the President of the United States has the power to inspect any accounting of the Fed. The Fed is not accountable to anyone.
John F Kennedy was the last Democrat to hold the Presidential office whom attempted to defend our Constitution. In the 1970's, CFR had the perfect man once again. A peanut farmer from Georgia, Jimmy Carter appealed to the less privileged. The elite club, mostly made up of liberals at that time, got a little too eager, and many eyebrows were raised over certain connections and activities. As CFR began to raise too much heat as to its actual agenda, Carter and his then National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, formed a new organization with the same agenda. Trilateral Commission would not only be more covert in its operations, but, it would learn it needed to recruit a wider range of politicians through Bilderberg, if it would be successful in its domination over the government.
As Carter and CFR got carried away with their plan to cripple the American economy, a 'fly in the ointment' arrived. Ronald Reagan was governor of California, and devoted to ending communism. Reagan had already abandoned the Democratic party over ten years prior to his bid for the Presidency. He clearly saw the intentions of the elite liberals who controlled the political direction. It was an easy task to lay out the distinctive differences of which were better for America and its citizens. Reagan had a plan and a goal to rebuild what Carter tried to tear down.
Ronald Reagan's philosophy of building up the businesses which employ people, was the enabler for many in poverty to help themselves to the "American Dream", rather than waiting for a handout. Most of America embraced Reagan's efforts, but, the liberals scoffed as much as they could get away with, as this idea of allowing citizens to make their own decisions and grow, conflicted with their dependency and control agenda. Socialism vs. Republic
During Reagan's two terms as President, he led the country back to a steady climb to prosperity, brought down communist Russia (U.S.S.R.), and gave hope to Americans, once again. America was seen as the "Super Power" of the world and Americans were proud (except for Michelle Obama). Ever since, the elite liberals have attacked the concept of fortifying the nations industries and small business to create jobs, calling the "trickle down" theory a benefit only for the rich. Even though the ones who brainwash the liberal minded citizens are filthy rich, they create a class war. Their only hope of succeeding in a global plan is to create divisiveness and crisis.
As Americans did not want to lose that feeling of a strong America, they voted for George H.W. Bush, Reagan's Vice President. Bush was a member of Bilderberg and Trilateral. Bush carried out the patient strategy of Bilderberg as best he could with "Reaganites" watching. A large portion of the population, including politicians, wished to carry on the tradition of building a prosperous and stronger America.
Even though they appeared to be enemies in the public view, Bill Clinton took the Bilderberg torch from the supposed conservative Bush and began the Carter process all over again. Clinton was able to take credit for the still climbing Reagan/Bush prosperity structure, even though he never passed any real significant legislation, other than international benefits to Trilateral and CFR(such as NAFTA). Appealing to the ever growing welfare roll, Clinton became an icon in the eyes of liberals, regardless he brought shame to the office, through amorality and blatant lies to Americans. A new generation was coming of age.
Again, Americans were convinced a conservative was needed to build back up, what Clinton tore down with the military and failed international affairs. George W. Bush, son of George H.W., was faced with the 9/11/01 attacks, in his first year in the White House. Like father, the younger Bush was a member of Bilderberg and Trilateral. Bush created the Dept. of Homeland Security, as a promising means to combat future domestic terrorist attacks. Thus began the constructing of Trilateral's international and domestic agenda of those who may oppose the break down of our Constitutional rights and countries which were not 'on board' with the global plan (Pakistan).
Most would not accept their plan if they were to sit you down and explain how your idea of a free and sovereign nation has lived out its purpose; now you will give all that fantasy up for the type of global, socialist government a few power hungry elite need, to take over. Financial crisis intentionally created over several years and the eventual crash of our dollar will create the atmosphere for a solution; their solution. The need for a global currency will be welcomed with open arms as the only apparent solution to the fabricated financial catastrophe they devise.
The once thought absurd proposals being thrown out today are just accepted by the mass of the population which seeks government to be their daddy, and take care of them. In the process, citizens which call themselves liberals, ignore the liberties being taken away in front of them. But, Bilderberg and Trilateral has the liberal media on their side; to convince all with their hands out, those "kooks" out in the street you see protesting our country being sold off to foreign interests, "they don't know what they are protesting, they are just sore losers that don't want to give the black man a chance".
They spend millions of dollars and countless airtime to keep the truth from landing on their cult's ears. They create diversion after diversion, blame on top of blame, and continue to destroy this country with failed policy, while convincing half the country the other half just doesn't want them to have handouts. The most divisive administration in history, including Lincoln's Civil War years. Silence the opposition by making half the country turn on itself in ignorance.
You who call yourself a liberal, you support a man, and organizations, against what you conceive as liberty. He places Czars in key positions, as Clinton did, so they don't have to be approved as a cabinet member. He makes deals to control capitalism, behind closed doors, while professing to be transparent. Military bases are setting up detention camps for Dept of Homeland Security and FEMA, guises as relief camps for disasters.
Obama convinced his cult following Bush's wire tapping case was against the citizens and wouldn't have it. He immediately pushed for more, stronger surveillance on citizens. Even if you hate conservatives, you can certainly see the attempt to shut down any media which promotes an opposing view is communist practice. Whatever your vice or amoral lifestyle you worship, you will not think its so glamorous to be part of a New World Order, when you realize you voluntarily gave up your rights to a dictatorship type rule.
Poverty will seem like middle class, and you will do nothing,but, complain; when you helped them do it. Their will only be the elite, and those who serve the elite... no middle class, no individual freedoms. Here is an excellent article by Herbert Meyer, who used to work for Ronald Reagan. The liberals keep screaming the conservatives aren't offering any solutions, at least they are trying. It's not about liberals or conservatives, it's about an elite group of Democrats and Republicans, attempting to tear up our Constitution, for their greed. Our Constitution was designed so that very thing could not happen, unless the people became so stupid, they allowed it.
Our government is too serve us, not the other way around. Get over yourself Jeb, you won't be the third 'Bush' President.

The Cure For Poverty, by Herbert Meyer

The Obama Deception full length HQ video

The 912 Project

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Twitter Outbreak: Public Warning

ALERT! All Twitter users should wear masks while tweeting due to outbreak.

Some observers say Twitter, a micro-blogging site where users post 140-character messages, has become a hotbed of unnecessary hype and misinformation about the outbreak, which is thought to have claimed more than 100 lives in Mexico.

"This is a good example of why Twitter is headed in the wrong direction, because it's just propagating fear among people, as opposed to seeking actual solutions or key information," said Brennon Slattery, a contributing writer for PC World.

I don't know what Brennon Slattery has against Twitter, but, he certainly doesn't propagate the responsibility of confused and incorrect information where it truly falls: with the media and the Obama administration. We hear so many different accounts of the severity and the actions taken, it makes your head spin.

The President says on one hand, we should take the illness and the spreading of it seriously, but, not to over-react. On the other hand, Joe Biden states on national television he won't let any of his family members fly or use any mass transit travel. Within the hour, the administration is releasing a statement through a press conference, "That's not what Joe meant". But, that is what he said. Brings you back to the campaign, doesn't it? Press Corp could not stop laughing.

A spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, said that the online buzz about swine flu is a good sign. It means people are talking about the issue, and that's the first step toward learning how to reasonably protect yourself.

"I think it's generally a useful development, but I would encourage people to look to other sources, especially established, recognized medical authorities," said Glen Nowak, chief of media relations at the CDC. "It shows that people are engaged and they care and that it's caught their attention, and those are all good things."

Several dozen cases of swine flu worldwide have been confirmed by the World Health Organization and hundreds more are feared. That information needs to be put in context by journalists, especially given the fact that so many deaths from the common flu occur each year and go under reported by the news media, said Al Tompkins, who teaches broadcast and online news at the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists.

About 36,000 people die from flu-related symptoms each year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The fast pace of new swine flu cases and their relevance to global public health policy makes the situation newsworthy, Tompkins said.

Tompkins said there is a tendency for television stations to hype health emergencies to boost their ratings, but so far coverage of the swine flu outbreak has been responsible. Coverage of the story is just flaring up, though, he said. Unofficial swine flu information on Twitter may lead people to unwise decisions, said Evgeny Morozov, a fellow at the Open Society Institute and a blogger on For example, some Twitter users told their followers to stop eating pork, Morozov said. Health officials have not advised that precaution.

Maybe it was just a religion thing. My personal experience, on Twitter, is most information related to the swine flu, has been in the form of links to pages where info can be found. Besides, how is it going to intensify the case or spread the virus if people do not eat pork?

Maybe they are afraid the pork comment might hurt the pork industry, the same way Joe Biden's comment would hurt the Airline industry. In any event, perhaps if the administration was more in control of the border, and regulating what responsible info is released to the public, it wouldn't be such a scatter-brain situation.

Does this mean Twitter is now on the same "Axis of Evil" list as George Bush?