Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obvious Trends: Hangin' With The Bros

April 17, 2009, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Summit of the Americas: Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, gave a 52 minute rant of his grievances against the United States. Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, acting as President of the United States, responded, "I'm very grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was 3 months old."
Self designated lifetime President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez gave Obama a book: “Las Venas Abietas de America Latina” or “The Open Veins of Latin America”, a scholarly text that analyzes Latin America’s dependence on the north. The media friendly Chavez waited until the press had been allowed into the room for a photo opportunity before gifting the book, which Obama accepted.
During the Summit, there were several media opportunities between Chaves and Obama, including an old fashion "Hood" handshake. One thing which wasn't present during the event was American dignity and adversary accountability. Of all the false accusations thrown at our country in a highly publicized arena, Obama did exactly what he has done all over the world...Apologise!
In January, Chavez called Obama ignorant, and stated he shared the same stench as Bush. Obama doesn't care about all this, though. He has his agenda, and the image of our country is not in the concept. Obama has nothing but forgiveness for America's enemies, and honor to those which sponsor terrorism against us and our allies.
On the home front, however, Mr. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, is not quite so forgiving. He has given the go ahead for an investigation into the former administration's response to the 9/11 attacks. Many liberals have been crying out for 'justice', referring to the permission given to the CIA to pour water on the three key individuals, that held key information, which prevented several more planned attacks.
As Hillary Clinton states, a good crisis (or investigation) should not be wasted. By the description of the law, "water boarding" is not torture. I would never wish anything bad on anyone, but, an attack is immanent. If there was anyway the victims could all be liberals fighting for terrorists rights, that would be justice. I receive hate mail on a regular basis, accusing me of being a Muslim hater. I don't hate them, I'm just not blind, as are the liberals. We have always been fed the "Politically Correct" crock, it is only a few radical Muslims who wish us harm. These are not what anyone could consider radical Muslims, but, just common, Koran believing Muslims. They all worship the terrorists; terrorists are considered the most holy, and heroes.
Obama has broken a number of laws and ignored our Constitution since he was in the Senate. He claimed he was going on a Senate fact finding mission to Kenya, so American tax dollars would pay for the trip. The purpose for the trip was to campaign for Raila Odinga. Odinga lost the first election, held in a democracy. He didn't like the outcome, so he sent gangs out to burn Christians out of their homes and killed members of the opposition. He then replaced key community leaders with Muslims, and declared Kenya would be a safe haven for terrorists; all so he would get the support he needed for a second vote. This is who Obama supports.
The latest AP poll declares 48% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction. I have to believe, with any ounce of sanity, this poll is flawed. I don't see how any rational human being can see all that is taking place, and believe we are not headed for serious disaster. The (majority) of Americans believed it was alright to place an inexperienced Jr. Senator in the White house, and allow him to have on the job training. In a time of financial turmoil, and volatile world affairs, we elected a man with an agenda totally contrary to our sovereignty. He is doing exactly what Clinton suggested, and not wasting a good crisis, for his benefit.

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